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Blue Arcade
Blue Arcade
[1.6.0] Mode with a wide variety of mini-games.
Update 1.6.0 about 1 year ago
- New Minigame: Fast Zone
- Now if a string in the language file is missing ('') the message will not be sent.
- The Spanish language (es_ES.yml) has been updated to the latest version.
- Added support for Spigot 1.18 by user request.
- Fixed bug in which the arenas did not stop when they had less than the minimum number of users.
- Small improvements and optimizations in the code.
Update 1.5.0 about 1 year ago
- New Minigame: Knockback
- Added rewards. Configure it through the rewards.yml file
- Added an option to remove the arrows fired in OITC (Default: true)
- The fire aspect of the sword in OITC has been removed.
Update 1.4.2 about 1 year ago
- Fixed bug when saving the blocks of an arena in Exploding Sheep.
- Fixed bug that played the "sorted" sound many times in some minigames.
Update 1.4.1 about 1 year ago
- Fixed bug where Red Alert did not detect when a player died.
- Fixed bug in which if a player leaves an arena and is among the top 3 classified, the fireworks would spawn anyway.
- The number of times an update is checked has been reduced to prevent spam messages in the console.
Update 1.4.0 about 1 year ago
- New Minigame: Red Alert
- Added an option to spawn fireworks at the location of the winners (#1, #2 and #3).
- Now if there is only one round in a game the final leaderboard will be shown directly at the end of the mini-game.
- Added command "/ba reload [all/file name]" to reload the plugin configuration (some files require a complete server restart).
- Added command "/ba goto [id] [minigame]" to teleport to a configured minigame.
- Added different sounds during the arena (customizable in sounds.yml file).
- Now you can adjust the explosion level in the "Exploding Sheep" minigame. (Can't be done from inside the game, you must do it from the configuration file: /plugins/BlueArcade/data/arenas/arenaid.yml)
- Disabled the fall damage in all minigames.
- Fixed bug in OITC that didn't count as kill when killing with sword.
- Fixed bug that didn't regenerate the map in Exploding Sheep in some occasions.
- Fixed bug that regenerated the map in Spleef with players still in the minigame.
- Fixed bug that didn't show the mini-description of some minigames in the scoreboard.
- Fixed bug where in some minigames players were not teleported when leaving the borders.
- Fixed bug in which the death block did not do anything in some minigames.
Update 1.3.0 about 1 year ago
- New Minigame: TNT TAG: Players pass a TNT block between themselves, avoiding being the last one holding it when it explodes. The objective is to not be the last one holding the TNT block.
- Added an item for exiting an arena in the waiting lobby.
- Added signs for joining arenas. Format -> Line 1: [BlueArcade], Line 2: join/quickjoin, Line 3: (arenaid)
- Added the variables {max_players} and {min_players} to the Scoreboard.
- Added an option in the configuration to teleport players to the main lobby upon server entry.
- Added an Action Bar in the waiting lobby and minigames.
- The /ba join, /ba leave, and /ba quickjoin commands can now be executed from the console.
- Fixed an issue where if command blocking was disabled, the "/leave" command would not work.
Update 1.2.2 about 1 year ago
- Fixed bug that generated an exception due to a null Material when regenerating the minigame Exploding Sheep.
- Fixed bug that incorrectly add victories to users.
- Fixed compatibility with Spigot 1.16.
- New checks have been added to try to solve the bug that skips minigames after choosing them without any reason. Although modifications have been implemented in the hope of solving this problem, it cannot be assured that it is completely solved in this version.
Update 1.2.1 about 1 year ago
- Fixed a bug where the red light affected the spectators (again, sorry, this time it is fixed).
- Fixed a bug where death_block affected spectators.
- Fixed a bug where leaving the Exploding Sheep region as a spectator counted as a death.
- Fixed a bug where ending an arena and removing all players would display a "... has left the arena." message for each player.
- Fixed a bug where the "has left the arena" message appeared for all players when finishing an arena.
- Fixed a bug where trying to break a snow block with a snowball in spleef caused console errors.
- Fixed a bug in the /leave command in the waiting lobby.
- Fixed a bug where hitting an NPC caused console errors.
- Fixed a bug where Spleef would freeze and generate repetitive errors.
- Fixed a bug where Snowball Fight would do nothing and generate errors.
- Disabled block interaction in games and the waiting lobby.
- Fixed many other bugs...
- Now if all players leave the arena, the last player will get a victory instead of stopping the game.
Update 1.2.0 about 1 year ago
- Updated the plugin to be compatible with Spigot 1.20.
- Added support for Spigot 1.16 by user request.
- Changed the scoreboard library from Netherboard to Fastboard.
- Fixed a bug that caused new minigame configuration to not register the "death_block" in the arena file.
- Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to stop completely when trying to remove player potion effects.
- Fixed a bug when starting Spleef in versions 1.12 and 1.19.
- Fixed a harmless bug in the console related to Traffic Light.
Update 1.1.2 about 1 year ago
- Fixed critical error when trying to configure a new arena.
Update 1.1.1 about 1 year ago
- Fixed error when trying to enter a non-existent game.
- Fixed bug in the language files with a command (/ba quickjoin).
- Fixed bug that sometimes the player didn't change the game mode from spectator to adventure.
- Fixed bug in OITC that sometimes player didn't die despite being hit by an arrow.
- Fixed bug that teleports the spectators of Traffic Light when the light is red.
- Fixed obfuscation problem.
- Improved death block detection.
- Improved performance considerably.
Update 1.1.0 about 1 year ago
- Added death block in all mini-games. When stepping on this block, the player will die. By default, it is the barrier (Important: Only if the player steps on the block, not if he touches it).
- Now potion effects will be cleared in every minigame.
- Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI added.
- Update checker added.
- Metrics added (you can disable it).
- Spanish language (es_ES) added. Credits to Iruvatar Network (www.iruvatar.com).
- Other internal changes to improve anti-piracy security...
1.0.0 about 1 year ago

Blue Arcade is a plugin that deals with the classic Party Games game that offers a wide variety of mini-games. The objective is to get the highest score by winning as many mini-games as possible, with the ultimate goal of securing first place.

In addition, if you prefer, you can also set up arenas with a single round of a specific mini-game. For example, if you need a server for the "Spleef" mini-game (or any other available mini-game), this plugin can help you.


  • Multi arena support. You can create as many arenas as you want.
  • Compatible with 1.8, 1.12 and 1.19. You can request another version if you need it.
  • Easy to setup through a configuration wizard.
  • Highly customizable. You can customize all messages and sounds of the plugin.
  • PlaceholderAPI support.
  • Current mini-games included in BlueArcade:

  1. Race
  2. Spleef
  3. Snowball Fight
  4. All Against All
  5. One In The Chamber
  6. Traffic Light
  7. Minefield
  8. Exploding Sheep

  • New mini-games selected by our customers through Discord voting will be added every month.

In addition, we plan to add other features in the future such as:

  • Vote to choose mini-games before starting an arena.
  • Leaderboards with players statistics.
  • Party system with menu.
  • Bungee mode.
  • MySQL support.

In our constant search for improvement, we value our customers suggestions. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to share them through our Discord.







If you have any problem configuring the plugin, remember to check the documentation or contact me through Blueva.net or Discord. Do not use the reviews section to ask questions or report bugs.


Total Downloads
First Release
30 Apr 2023
Last Release
18 Dec 2023
Version 1.6.0
18 Dec 2023, 21:24